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Everyone has a favourite piece of clothing, and we want you to share it with us!

In dedication of this months’ launch of Lorelei Vashti’s fascinating memoir Dress, Memory we want you to share your favourite clothing or accessory related memory, and a picture that goes with it (just like we did earlier this month on our blog).

Dress, Memory is a charming coming-of-age memoir in which every dress tells a story. Perceptive and poignant, humorous and heartwarming, it's the story of growing up and growing into yourself. It's about trying things on until you find the perfect fit.

Lorelei started collecting dresses in her twenties and found that every time she wore one it became more significant to her. From falling in love for the first time to playing in a band, from starting a career to moving overseas, every dress soon had a memory stitched into it, and she became as attached to each one as if they were the events and people themselves.

But what happens when the wardrobe gets full? Should you let go of the dresses you've outgrown, or try to hold on to them forever?

Congratulations to our five winners below! 

Dress Memory Cover

Dress Memory extracts

Need some inspiration for your Dress Memory? Check out the images to the right or read an extract from the book:

Here's Lorelei sharing tales of her time serving the famous in New York or sharing how a piece of clothing helped her deal with anxiety attacks.


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